The things we would have done differently
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If we had the chance to build GuideVision again, I’d definitely be able to find enough things I’d do differently. We all learn and adapt our opinions and attitudes. Of course in retrospect, it’s much easier to identify areas where we could have behaved better.
What I see as the most fundamental mistake was when we completely stopped hiring new employees for several months. This happened twice due to the situation on the market at the time. It seemed like a rational decision then, but in both cases we regretted it shortly thereafter. I take it as a lesson we had to go through, and I know that we wouldn’t do the same thing again.
In the long run, we’re not limited by how many contracts we have, but by the number of qualified people who could work on them. There are some projects we don’t even participate in for capacity reasons. So if we don’t want to overburden our employees and, at the same time, if we want to provide high-quality services to our customers, we simply have to keep the number of projects on under control.
The second thing I’d name is undervaluing our company’s internal and support departments. Today I would push much harder to promote the idea that we need them for the smooth functioning of the entire company, and I would have placed greater emphasis on their work much sooner. GuideVision grew very quickly in terms of our ServiceNow consultants, and we left these internal parts of the company behind. During the entire period of covid, when it was much more difficult to organize remote work as well as Infosys’ acquisition, we clearly saw that we have a bottleneck here. Since then we have advanced in many ways, but we still need to do more in this area. Only then will we be able to focus on what our core business is, which is helping our customers to do business, and to carry out our work in the best possible quality.
Last but not least, looking back on it from today, I would have definitely written off certain projects inside the company that didn’t bring the results we expected.
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